And it’s Halloween…. what does THAT mean here at Witzend!? Ohhhh…. just a nutso mom in decked out in a crazy get up with her broom standing at the end of the driveway waiting for the bus (insert a hefty Witzend Wee One eye roll here).
Or, it may mean a tricked out pre-game Hallows Eve table that has my husband wondering “Is there anything LEFT at the dollar store/Joanns/ AC Moore” ? (For the record… NO…. every decor junkie knows you gotta jump on that jawn (Philly word) in August!!!! Also for the record… I probably had coupons so it was practically FREE!!!
Confession (Read: husband shaming about to go down) as much as I love Halloween, my husband feels the opposite. He will freely joke about turning the lights out and locking the door just to avoid a germ brigade from strolling past our front door… which is FINE, Because here at Witzend we DO NOT GET TRICK OR TREATERS!!! Nope. We have to schlep out to beg for booty my friends. Tonight that will mean piling the Witzend Wee Ones in full costume into the ‘Witzend Womper’ and heading up the road “aways” to a neighboring ‘hood where people actually see all of the toil and trouble fellow Halloweeny inspired Witches and Warlocks go to the trouble of creating.
At Witzend I do it for us (and the cutie patootie neighbor girl who we watch Monday-Thursday) and once a year I do it for guests… costumes not required because I KNOW that I am the craziest Witch they know, so I am totally cool with BYOB (bring your own broom) and tricking out a fun table for a one night stand just to say that I know how do some Halloween in these here parts.
So sure, I may lament about the trials of multiple costume changes that the boys afflict me with, and roll my eyes at sewing a last minute costume reminiscent of ‘Clan of the Cave Bear’, but you know I secretly love it. Especially when last year I was stripped of my homemaker duties and GAWD FORBID found myself biting the bullet AND my tongue and rocking into the Halloween superstore to PURCHASE Star Wars Costumes. That just about killed me.
And while there may be less gore and more Goth here at our house, it is still fun to go cray and play it up. So, for the next 24 hours I will hold off on pulling the battalion of bats off the ceiling and walls, and decreepifying this Witches lair because as soon as I do we ALL know that Christmas is just a blink of an eye away (55 days from today to be exact but who’s counting?).
With that said, may your brew be beastly, your treats be tricked, and your spells be spooky.
Happy Halloween my dear Witches!