Ok… I know, I know… Fall doesn’t officially start until the 22nd… Blah Blah Blah… let me tell you something my friends, last week’s cold and rain definitely jump started my pumpkin mojo. Not a deep fall russety type of mojo, more like the ‘our pool is still open and my flowers are (kind of) still cranking’ and ‘I freak out over color’ kind of mojo – pair that with an industrial size bottle of mod podge and a slightly embarrassing freak-out when Caspari asked if I would be up for making some magic with their newest designs and BOOYAH… here we are!
I mean… CASPARI!!!!! As in, if you were to open any drawer at Witzend you would quickly find a borderline obsessive level of their products. Napkins; plates; place cards; invitations; wrapping paper; yada yada yada… let’s just say that there is plenty enough to justify the possible need for a paper goods 12 step program. You in the same boat? Yeah, I know you are, fingers crossed maybe we can get a group rate?
Not only that but you probably know me well enough by now to not be surprised that I nearly peed my pants over this Imperial Silk pattern! It’s as if Caspari READ MY MIND, spied on me, sent a team of napkin fairies to my house to figure out ‘What Pippa (actually) Wants’ and then BAM… threw down a pattern that made me hyperventilate.
So here is the deal… how lucky am I that this whole ball of wax came full speed trucking my way just in time for the temps to take a slight autumny turn AND coincide with birthday brunch in honor of my mom? Who, BTW, is more deserving of a beautiful scape to celebrate another trip around the sun than anyone I know.
So yeah, I may have gone a little nutso with the decoupage. I don’t really care ‘cause, I’m a sucker for a celebration, go gaga for a theme and, this pattern is so friggin’ gorgeous in person that if I didn’t cover every surface that stood still with it you would probably find me conspiring a way to sew it into new bedding or try and recover a chair with it.
So go forth and embrace FULL TILT Fall color, save the neutrals and browns for later, revel in the early autumn sunshine, and don’t glue your fingers together if you take on a serious craft project like this. (not that I did or anything)
PS: Want to see ALL of the knee knocking goodness in this new Caspari Line? Click HERE!
Green Spot Wrapping Paper (used as covering) : Caspari | Gold Lacquer Placemats: Caspari | Chargers (made by me) | Blue Splatter Plates: Caspari | Cabbage Plates (Personal Collection) | Imperial Silk Napkins: Caspari | Green Spot Paper Linen Napkins (Amazing!!!): Caspari | Blue Willow Plates: Personal Collection | Green Acrylic Goblets: Caspari | Blue Acrylic Wine Glasses: Caspari | Gold Flatware: (Personal Collection)