I LOVE COLOR… there I said it… and this isn’t a low level love, like “I love my kid’s teacher” or “I love the Target Clearance Section” … we are talking a DEEP… wayyyyyy down thing… think on the level of how much Joannie Loved Chachi; Kanye Loves Kim K Kanye or, Homer loves Donuts… you get the picture… this is the REAL DEAL.
I think Mother Nature is right there with me on this one…. September is her time, throwing color around as if it were glitter at a rave… and it just so happens to mix perfectly with the lingering pink flowers in my planters and the Garden that I just cant bring myself to switch out yet and are
dead hanging on by a thread.
SO… until I can officially stop wearing shorts, shaving my legs (any day now PLEASE) and can legit rely on pajama jeans and long sleeves, I am sticking with my bright grassy greens and bold pops of color. Plus it is just another chance to break out the Rose Medallion and Cabbageware for a bright bold Al Fresco dinner. Just ignore the fact that it was actually 90 degrees when I shot this table and my Tapers are melting… seriously.
Go Big, Go Bold or Go Home my sweet Friends.
P.S. If you are here looking for your “Martha Moment” DIY of the day then check out this walk through on how I made these cute little gold pumpkin vases. Fresh + Faux= fabulous…you can thank me later.